There’s strength in you...
Find it...listen to it...lead from it.
Is there an imbalance between how you treat others and how you treat yourself?
Do you:
Experience guilt and shame about having emotional needs?
Struggle to notice and speak from your inner experience?
Find it easier to give than receive?
Have a history of being in relationships with emotionally controlling or narcissistic partners?
If so, I can help.
I am a licensed marriage and family therapist in Asheville who specializes in helping adults successfully bolster their sense of self-worth; examine and transform behavioral and relationship patterns that cause stuckness and distress; and address anxiety and depression related to unresolved trauma.
When we are disconnected from our own self-caring and self-knowing, we can often feel deeply alone and empty, guilty and ashamed, continually seeking a way to gain control, turning to achievement, food, substances, sex, or compulsive “doing” for others.
Therapy can be a place to develop the practices of speaking up, asking for more, owning strengths and achievements and exploring distressing feelings and experiences.
It can be extraordinarily painful to deny ourselves the fullness of who we are.
I can help you show up more fully in your life, as you are, imperfect and enough.